Guidelines – Week commencing 8th Feb
Dear Parents and Carers,
If we are fortunate later today, and we have no further community cases, then school will be open as normal on Monday, 8th Feb. We have been working behind the scenes to put processes into place to make the transition for our students as smooth as possible.
- An updated Term Planner is available here. Next week (commencing 8th Feb) will be Week Two in the Term Planner.
- Kindy A will be at school on Monday (8th Feb) and Tuesday (9th Feb). Kindy B will be in on Wednesday (10th Feb), Thursday (11th Feb) and Friday (12th Feb).
- Some of the timings and dates for the Information Nights have changed, please refer to the term planner: Term 1 2021
- All adults MUST wear a mask. This includes all parents, carers and school staff. Teachers and EA’s will be wearing masks unless they are teaching in front of the class, as students need to see their faces for clarity of understanding. You may wish to make your children aware of this to help ease any uncertainties they may have.
- Primary school students are NOT required to wear a mask.
- Parents are permitted on the school site but must adhere to social distancing protocols.
- There will be a limit of 10 adults per classroom at any one time, so please be conscientious of each other. If you do need to enter the classroom, please make it brief. Please be aware of how many other adults are in the room and, if it is at capacity, wait until there is room. Only one adult per child should enter the classroom, this means that if there is more than one parent / carer dropping off a child they will need to remain outside, please.
- We know that the first day can be a little nerve-wracking for our younger students so we are implementing a staggered start to the day for Kindy, Pre-Primary and Year One students. A separate document is available below and via Connect explaining how the staggered start will work. This process will ensure that every student will have time with a parent/carer at drop off.
First week of Kindy – Staggered Starts
First week of Pre-Primary – Staggered Starts
First week of Year One – Staggered Starts
- All parents and children will be required to sanitize their hands as they enter the class, and the children will receive regular reminders about hygiene throughout the day. An additional cleaner will be on the site cleaning high-touch surfaces and playgrounds.
Although this is not the start we were hoping for, we are very excited to be back to school and can’t wait to see our students. Above all, remember that this should only be for 5 days, and we can get through this just as we have before.
Warm regards,
Geoff Smith