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WA PBS Core Values Survey

March 25, 2020

Parents and caregivers, we’d like to know your thoughts. Which values do you think are the most important?

Currambine Primary School is implementing WA Positive Behaviour Support (WA PBS), which recognises the importance of creating classrooms with high academic engagement, supporting an integrated approach to behaviour, learning and teaching.

By implementing WA PBS we plan to develop a consistent, whole school approach with common language in regard to positive behaviour expectations. Students know what is expected of them and choose to do so because they have the skills to do it and see the natural benefits for acting positively.

Staff at Currambine Primary School have created a list of 10 values that they believe are important for behaviour at our school. We are asking parents to complete the simple survey below to help us shortlist our core values. The survey consists of only one question and asks which values you think are most important.

The students in Years Four, Five and Six will also take part in this survey at school. All staff at Currambine will then be invited to do the same thing. All of these results will be collated and the top 3-5 values will form the basis of our common language and behaviour expectations.

Thank you for your input.