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How do I apply for enrolment at Currambine Primary School?
Currambine Primary School accepts enrolments throughout the year. Enrolment may be made in person at the school or managed through other means. On enrolment the school requires a copy of the child’s birth certificate and immunisation record. If the child has entered the country from overseas the passport must be provided so the visa details may be determined.
Children in Pre-Primary to Year Six that reside within the school’s boundaries are guaranteed a place at the school. The school welcomes out of boundary enrolments when vacancies are available. Click here to view more information about enrolments.
At what age does my child attend Kindergarten?
In Western Australia, children can start their education in Kindergarten, however compulsory schooling starts the following year in Pre-Primary. To determine when your child can start school, please use the Department of Education’s School Age Calculator.
What are School Development Days?
School Development Days provide opportunities for the school staff to engage in professional learning and planning activities aimed at improving the achievements of the students in our care. The children do not attend school on a School Development Day. The dates for School Development Days can be found on the school website.
How is student behaviour managed?
Currambine Primary School believes in setting high standards of student behaviour and rewarding students who meet these expectations. Rewards include faction tokens, Assembly Stars and Gold Class Awards. Students experiencing difficulty meeting the expected standard are supported to improve their behaviour. Further information is available in our Student Care and Support Policy which can be found in the policy section of the website.
What fees and charges are payable to attend the school?
No fees are payable to attend a public school. A range of contribution and charges are payable for specific activities, excursions or events. These matters are usually communicated to the parents of the students involved by letter. Voluntary contributions provide additional resources and materials that maximise the quality of our teaching and learning programs and help us to provide the best possible education for your children. Click here to read more about Voluntary Contributions,.
My child has a medical condition or requires medication. How is this managed?
If your child has a medical condition or requires regular medication you should make an appointment with an Associate Principal to manage the matter. Further information can be viewed here.
What facilities does Currambine Primary School offer?
Currambine Primary School enjoys buildings and facilities of a high standard. This includes four teaching blocks containing some eighteen classrooms as well as a purpose built art room, science lab, two music rooms and a library. The school has an undercover assembly area and two astro turf play areas as well as extensive playgrounds and a school oval. The school has fourteen demountable classrooms.
The school has a significant wireless capacity and has extensive access to eBoards and iPads.
What are the school hours?
Children may attend the site from 8.00am. They will be supervised on the astro turf to the south of the administration block until 8.15am when they are dismissed to attend class. Classroom instruction commences at 8.30am. Children have a 20 minute recess at 10.40am and a lunch break at 1.00pm. School concludes at 2.40pm each day.
Do children have to wear school uniforms?
While school uniforms are not compulsory in public schools we strongly encourage all students to comply with the school dress code. Information about our dress code and uniform is available here.
What services are available for students who are gifted?
Classroom teachers will case manage students who require extension within the classroom. On occasions, withdrawal extension programs may also be offered. Selected students may attend the Regional Primary Extension and Challenge Program (PEAC).
How do I volunteer in the school?
Volunteers are always welcome because it helps to foster the partnership between parents and the school. Parents need to complete a Confidential Declaration Form prior to volunteering. Parents should contact their child’s classroom teacher or attend a meeting of the Currambine Primary School Parents and Citizens Association if they wish to volunteer.
What specialist programs are offered in the school?
Currambine Primary School offers specialist Music, Visual Art, French, Physical Education and Science.
What should I do if my child has been bullied?
Bullying is a repeated behaviour which is intended to cause hurt and may take the form of verbal, physical, social or digital actions. If you suspect your child has been bullied please make an appointment with the class teacher to discuss your concerns.